VCU Business and Engineering Career Center Offers Resume Postings for Alumni

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In response to the troubled economy’s impact on employment, the Business and Engineering Career Center at Virginia Commonwealth University has established an electronic VCU Alumni Resume Database that will allow VCU business and engineering alumni to post their resumes for employers.

The resume database, which can be found at, is designed to give employers a convenient way of searching for job-seekers that possess the qualifications and skills that fit their open positions. Employers using the site will be able to search posted resumes with key words to target the best candidates for their openings.

“We are all aware of the turmoil in the economy and its impact on spending, business and unemployment,” said Mike Eisenman, director of the Business and Engineering Career Center at VCU. “The net result is that there are more people looking for fewer positions in the workforce. We are encouraging our employed VCU alumni to have their companies search the database when they have openings. We hope this new service will help our VCU alumni find jobs in a challenging market.”

In addition to the new resume database for alumni, the University Career Center at VCU, which serves all VCU students, is able to share resources with alumni related to resume writing, interviewing skills and professional networking. Alumni may be eligible to receive a guest account on RamsRecruiting, the electronic bulletin board of entry level job, internship and co-op postings for VCU students.

The alumni resume database is sponsored by the VCU Alumni Association, which will help spread the word about the service to its network of members. If the business and engineering effort proves popular, the service could be expanded for all VCU alumni.

VCU business and engineering alumni interested in posting their resumes should visit

For more information, contact the VCU University Career Center at (804) 828-1645,, or the VCU Business and Engineering Career Center: (804) 827-1801,