VCU physician elected president of Richmond Academy of Medicine

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Isaac Wornom, III, M.D.

Photo by Mike Frontiero, University News Services
Isaac Wornom, III, M.D. Photo by Mike Frontiero, University News Services

Isaac L. Wornom III, M.D., has received one of the highest honors the Richmond medical community offers. The associate professor of surgery in VCU's Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has been elected president of the Richmond Academy of Medicine - a non-profit organization of 1,600 physicians founded in 1821 to promote the science and practice of medicine and surgery.

Wornom has been on the faculty of the VCU School of Medicine since 1989. He has been an active member of the Academy and has held elected positions in the organization since 1994. Last year, he served as its president-elect.

He is the latest in a distinguished line of VCU physicians to hold this important and
prestigious position in the local medical community.

"This is a well-deserved honor for a uniquely dedicated physician," said David S. Wilkinson, M.D., Ph.D., who chairs VCU's Department of Pathology and serves on the board of the Academy. "Dr. Wornom is an outstanding physician and a fine ambassador for the VCU Health System."

The president of the Academy is its chief executive officer and serves a one-year term. Wornom will lead all of its board meetings, determine its annual agenda, act as its principal spokesperson and serve as its primary liaison with other organized medical societies.