A combined image of five scenes: A VCU student in a lab coat inspects a vial, a researcher studies a wetland environment, a student in The Peppas plays the trombone, a doctor performs surgery and a student conducts VR research in a lab.

5 ways VCU is uncommon

Virginia Commonwealth University is a premier urban public university — the nation’s only urban university recognized for being a Diversity Champion, having very high research activity with a special focus on community engagement and ranking among the top 50 public research institutions and top 30 most innovative public universities.

In this series, we take a deep dive into five ways that VCU is uncommon, and along the way we hope you’ll get to know VCU the place and VCU the community. These are the facets that give VCU its personality and its heart and make it a place to study, live and work unlike any other.