The words VCU Alert in black lettering against a gold background and alongside a VCU logo.

VCU to conduct VCU Alert siren test on Wednesday, Sept. 11

More than one activation of the siren system may be necessary to ensure it is fully operational.

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Virginia Commonwealth University will conduct a test of its emergency siren system on Wednesday, Sept. 11, at noon.

During a scheduled test of VCU’s emergency communications system on Sept. 4, the university’s siren system did not fully activate. VCU Police, VCU Tech Services and the siren provider have been working to resolve the malfunction. On Wednesday, more than one activation of the siren system may be necessary to ensure it is fully operational.

VCU will distribute text alerts to notify the community 10 minutes before each test, as well as at the conclusion of testing. 

This test will involve sirens on the Monroe Park and MCV campuses and at VCU Police headquarters, 224 E. Broad St. 

In an actual life-threatening emergency, the sirens will be activated to warn people external to VCU facilities that there is an immediate risk to the area. There is no "all clear" siren, as that information is transmitted via the other VCU Alert technologies. 

VCU’s emergency alerting system does not rely on one notification in emergency situations. In the event of a real emergency, members of the VCU community would be notified by multiple channels, including Alertus beacons, digital signage, text messages, emails, desktop alerts, outdoor sirens and via the VCU Alert page ( The purpose of VCU’s testing is to ensure that emergency communications systems, including sirens, are working properly.