A photo of seven people standing and one man kneeling on a sidewalk. Behind the group is the U.S. Capitol.
A contingent of eight researchers from VCU’s health sciences schools advocated for funding for the National Institutes of Health. (Contributed photo)

VCU group joins Rally for Medical Research to promote federal funding

Health sciences researchers and faculty headed to Washington to urge congressional staff to prioritize NIH support.

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Eight researchers and faculty members from Virginia Commonwealth University’s health sciences schools joined last months’ Rally for Medical Research in Washington to highlight the importance of federal funding.

“I am hopeful that if we share our ‘why’ for the work we do, our political leaders will have a better understanding of the health issues facing our communities and why research is so critical to health outcomes,” said Amy Salisbury, Ph.D., associate dean for research, scholarship and innovation in VCU’s School of Nursing.

Each September, rally participants meet with staff from their respective congressional delegations to urge them to make funding for the National Institutes of Health a national priority. The 12th annual event, held Sept. 19, included over 250 advocates from more than 30 states.

Carly Katz, senior director of federal relations in VCU’s Office of Government Relations, organized and prepared the VCU group that attended this year’s rally.

“NIH is our biggest source of federal funding,” she said. “Part of what was so important in participating with lawmakers or their staff is they can talk directly with folks doing the research. It really brings it to life.”

For fiscal 2023, VCU received nearly $107 million in NIH funding as reported by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.

In Washington, Salisbury embraced the opportunity to deepen her ties to the research community at VCU and beyond.

“I met other researchers I had not met before and learned about their important work,” she said. “We identified common interests and needs and some ways to help each other. It was an enriching experience.”

Lana Sargent, Ph.D., associate dean for practice and community engagement in the School of Nursing, said the rally emphasized how advocating for NIH funding is crucial to support research that “should be funded.”

“There are exceptional projects that don’t get funded because NIH doesn’t have the funding to support the research,” she said. “This gives VCU research and researchers the visibility that we need to highlight the incredible work that is happening.”

In that vein, the annual rally is an important vehicle for telling the stories behind the research at VCU.

“We want others to understand the impact and the need for research by highlighting the commitment and advancements of the researchers and the needs of the patient communities we serve at VCU,” Salisbury said.

Participants from VCU were energized by the positive reception from congressional staff during their meetings, Katz said. “They were excited to be part of the day.”