Making an Early Impact

Prospective ASPiRE students, community partners invited to an open house on Saturday

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Though the program is just over six weeks old, VCU ASPiRE (Academic Scholars Program in Real Environments) is already making a difference in the community.

The program swiftly has attracted the interest of community groups, including nonprofit agencies, schools and government groups. Members of the first class of 148 sophomores have volunteered at a half-day session at Richmond area nonprofit agencies, helped to register voters, passed out school supplies and presented information about breast cancer.

All told, 46 percent of the VCU students participating in ASPiRE have volunteered at one of the 14 community activities held since the start of the school year.

“We really wanted the students to get out in the community and get their feet wet,” said Mary Slade, Ph.D., executive director of VCU ASPiRE. “And our students have been busy. They haven’t let us down.”

Volunteer opportunities can be in the form of a one-time event or as part of an ongoing partnership, such as the relationship being built between VCU students and the Mosby Housing community.

“Our first major project was the annual community day at Mosby early in September,” said Nanette Bailey, ASPiRE community partnerships coordinator. “We had nearly 40 ASPiRE students participate. We brought school supplies, which we passed out to the children who live there. And we planted a Crape Myrtle tree near the community center. And each of the children wrote down wishes for the school year that they hung on the tree.”

Mary Slade became the first Executive Director of VCU ASPiRE over the summer and jumped right into the program. Read about how <a href="">ASPiRE’s her passion</a>.
Mary Slade became the first Executive Director of VCU ASPiRE over the summer and jumped right into the program. Read about how ASPiRE’s her passion.

The first group of ASPiRE students lives on the first and second floors of the West Grace Street South Apartments residence hall. As the program grows, additional space will open for sophomore, junior and senior students. By 2014, 420 students will participate in the program.

In the coming weeks, ASPiRE students will discuss the issues connected with homelessness, focusing on meeting the health and emotional needs of the homeless. As part of their experience, students will make blankets that will be distributed to the homeless as colder weather approaches. 

“I think the students who chose to be part of ASPiRE are happy to be so involved,” Slade said. “One student, a sophomore named Stewart Bova who is an education major, describes his deepening understanding of sustained community engagement as ‘do good, feel good, real good.’ And what he means is that he’s moved from ‘do good’ by donating to worthwhile causes to ‘feel’ good’ by volunteering to ‘real good’ by bringing change to the community.”

Prospective VCU students, community partners and area leaders will have the opportunity to learn more about ASPiRE’s impact on the community during an open house on Saturday, Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. until 11:30 the West Grace South Apartments, 835 W. Grace St. VCU President Michael Rao, Richmond City Councilwoman Cynthia I. Newbille and Mosby Tenant Council President Patricia Williford will speak at the event, which includes a slideshow and displays of the community service activities.

VCU’s Division of Community Engagement oversees ASPiRE and students in the program will be involved in projects with community partners to address community-identified needs in four areas: education, health, sustainability and vibrant communities.

Students who will be sophomores or juniors in the 2013-2014 academic may apply to participate in the ASPiRE program until Nov 23. Visit the ASPiRE website at Those with additional questions may call (804) 827-1759 or send emails to


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