VCU-supported Especially for Nonprofit Organizations celebrates ten years

Program has provided affordable training and support to thousands in nonprofit fields

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Martha Rollins and Jim Beckner can’t say enough about Especially for Nonprofit Organizations.

“As my grandmother used to say, it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread,” Rollins chuckled recently in the retail operation of Boaz and Ruth, a nonprofit, faith-based program she leads to provide educational training and job skills to ex-offenders.

Especially for Nonprofits is celebrating 10 years as an academic and professional development program at Virginia Commonwealth University created to support educational opportunities for nonprofit organizations in the greater Richmond and Tri-Cities areas. The program is open to volunteers, paid staff or board members of nonprofit organizations or those considering a career change into the nonprofit sector.  Upon the successful completion of each course, participants earn one hour of university credit, with a letter grade, toward the Certificate of Achievement in Nonprofit Management.

The seed that grew into Especially for Nonprofits was planted more than a decade ago when VCU Vice President of External Relations Sue Ann Messmer, along with Darcy Oman and Susan Davis of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia, met to discuss the needs of Central Virginia’s nonprofit organizations. That seed grew into an educational program that in 10 years has resulted in more than 5,500 nonprofit staff and volunteers participating in classes and conferences; participation from nearly 2,000 local nonprofit agencies; and the bestowment of 125 Certificates of Achievement in Nonprofit Management. 

Oman remarked on the program’s tremendous growth and success.

“In our 10th anniversary year, we are reminded of how quickly time passes.  Before we know it, there will be a whole new wave of nonprofit leaders participating in the Especially for Nonprofits program,” Oman said.

Catherine W. Howard, Ph.D., Vice Provost, Division of Community Engagement, said Especially for Nonprofits has become a national model of how universities and nonprofit organizations can work together.

“This is a great example of the community coming together and doing an assessment of needs.  And VCU became a “player” in addressing those needs,” Howard said.
Though Rollins had a lifetime of business experience, she realized that running a nonprofit group required new skills.  She learned about Especially for Nonprofits in the spring of 2002 and immediately signed up for six classes.  She’s been back again and again, learning about finances and fundraising, management and government regulations.

“They are so on point with each specific subject.  It’s done in a manageable chunk of time and is taught by people who have been there and know what they are talking about,” Rollins said.  “The networking opportunities are outstanding and the price is right.”

Beckner enrolled in his first class about 10 years ago when he was executive director for the Fan Free Clinic, which provides medical treatment, health education and social services to those in the Richmond area with limited access to care.

The lessons learned over the years helped him manage the clinic and his latest venture, RX Partnership, which provides free or low cost prescriptions to those who need them.

“The program has had a strong personal impact for me.  It has changed the way I manage people and resources and helped me increase fundraising.  And the technology classes were extremely helpful,” Beckner said.

Participants can select courses that best suit their interests and needs. The program has gained a reputation over the years for being both practical and affordable.

“Not only are the subjects taught themselves of tremendous value, but the cost is unbeatable,” Beckner said.

VCU offers the classes at a reduced rate of $115 per credit. In addition to VCU, other organizations that have provided resources over the years include the Community Foundation, the Jackson Foundation, Capital One Services Inc., the United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg, the Virginia Association of Fundraising Executives, the Junior League of Richmond, Philip Morris USA and the Cameron Foundation.
 “This program would not be a success without support from the community”, said Richard T. Firth, program director, Especially for Nonprofits’ Office of Community Programs.

For more information about Especially for Nonprofit Organizations call 804-827-0426 or visit