Year in Review 2017: A look back at the year’s most popular VCU news stories, videos, Instagram pics and more

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As we usher in a new year, it’s a good time to reflect on the year that just ended and the many events and accomplishments that took place during its 365 days.

The top stories, videos and social media posts below show that 2017 at VCU was filled with discovery, beauty and connections made with each other and the world around us.


Top 10 VCU News stories from 2017

The Taiwo sextuplets were born on May 11, 2017 at VCU Medical Center. The three boys and three girls are in good condition in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU.
<br>Photos by Allen Jones, University Marketing
The Taiwo sextuplets were born on May 11, 2017 at VCU Medical Center. The three boys and three girls are in good condition in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU.
Photos by Allen Jones, University Marketing

1)    Sextuplets successfully delivered at VCU Medical Center

2)    VCU researcher develops Lyme disease diagnostic and comes closer to creating a human vaccine

3)    Christine Darden, a scientist featured in ‘Hidden Figures,’ to speak at VCU

4)    To end the opioid epidemic, VCU health sciences faculty are changing the way pain management is taught

5)    VCU announces month of thought-provoking events to celebrate Black History Month

6)    VCU launches Sturgeons on Call, a first-of-its-kind animal therapy program that uses fish instead of dogs

7)    English professor digitizes historic slave manuscript in Library of Congress

8)    There will be a partial solar eclipse Aug. 21. Here’s what you need to know.

9)    These VCU students have invented an entirely new kind of patio door. It’s called the French Slide.

10) Wanda S. Mitchell, former vice president for inclusive excellence, dies at 57


Top 5 research stories

The Ixodes scapularis tick (deer tick) is a known Lyme disease vector.
The Ixodes scapularis tick (deer tick) is a known Lyme disease vector.

1)    VCU researcher develops Lyme disease diagnostic and comes closer to creating a human vaccine

2)    English professor digitizes historic slave manuscript in Library of Congress

3)    Why does divorce run in families? The answer may be genetics

4)    VCU Engineering’s Medicines for All awarded $25 million to increase access to lifesaving medications

5)    Interdisciplinary research team studies whether using e-cigarettes while pregnant causes craniofacial birth defects



Top 5 videos from 2017

1)    Medicines for All at VCU

Medicines for All at VCU

2)    VCU Holiday Video 2017

VCU Holiday Video 2017

3)    The Denise Gorondy Story

The Denise Gorondy Story

4)    VCU Valentine’s Day 2017

VCU Valentine's Day 2017

5)    VCU Summer Studies Professors Read RateMyProfessor Reviews

VCU Summer Studies Professors Read RateMyProfessor Reviews


Top 5 Instagram posts from 2017


1)    Surprise snowfall


2)    Alumnus trending on Reddit



3)    We (heart) RVA in the fall   



4)    Snowy aerial of Richmond 



5)    Mandy Patinkin spotted on campus 



Top 5 Facebook posts from 2017

 1) Medicines for All grant

2. May Commencement livestream

3. Holiday video

4. Valentine’s Day for Rodney the Ram

5. Lyme disease vaccine research


Top 5 Twitter posts from 2017

1) Two VCU students intern at Southwest Air 

2) Introducing the class of 2021

3) USA Today College Guide

4) Dabbing with Gov. McAuliffe

5) Homeland filming on campus